
Paul van der Merwe | SAPAVSA-146 | 082 430 2937 |
I utilise AVSAPRO as a product for detecting deception on candidates. I conduct pre-employment screenings, periodic screenings, and incident examinations.
During the 4 years that I have used the AVSAPRO system I found it more user-friendly than any of the previous systems, as well as more accurate with far less possibility of operator errors. I view the system as highly accurate as proven during my time as a qualified examiner.
I score the system AVSAPRO a 10 out of 10.
Hans & Michelle Botha | SAPAVSA-026 | 072 187 9898 |
We have our own security company where polygraphs were originally outsourced and we got to a stage where we were not satisfied with the knowledge of the examiners.
We did our research, and AVSAPRO was our only choice for many reasons:
Clifton Coetzee the developer and instructor of AVSAPRO, was our first choice 5 years ago and we have not looked back since.
AVSAPRO is a user-friendly program with no space for human calculation errors. Excellent training and 24/7 personal back up service from AVSAPRO is part of our service to our clients.
Although biofeedback was originally used all the clients accepted AVSAPRO after seeing the results.
Product experience 10/10
Level of service received from AVSAPRO Global 10/10
Bertie Harmse | SAPAVSA-021 | 072 466 0796 |
I received my training in May 2016 in Johannesburg from Francois Kritzinger who is the head polygraphist of Fidelity security group. The training received was for the AVSAPRO Voice Stress Detection (VSD) program as I was already trained on the Lafayette LX4000.
The training material were very well set out and understandable. On day four I already conducted practical tests with Francois on sites.
The program of AVSAPRO itself is very user friendly. Whenever I had problem with the program, the support structure was very quick with assistance.
I was trained for one day by Cliff Coetzee on the new polygraph program, the Stoelting CpsPro Fusion system. It is very user friendly and also has its own calibration in the system before every test.
During 2018 I had a lot of problems with my laptop, and I must give credit to Luke Phelps who was always willing to assist with technical support. Never were there any complaints in regards of helping, the support team in my eyes deserve a 10.
Heinrich Richter | SAPAVSA-127 | 082 895 3854 |
I received training in both the AVSAPRO and Polygraph software respectively during 2007 and 2008 by Clifton Coetzee and am a registered member at SAPAVSA.
Exceptional support, guidance and assistance have been received from Mr. Coetzee whenever needed. Graphs send for a 2nd opinion are returned timeously without any delay and Mr. Coetzee was, and is always approachable for any support and discussions pertaining to a specific incident or on feedbacks of graphs sent to him.
My experience with Mr Coetzee is that he maintains an open-door policy and his advice is always not to deviate from trained procedures during an examination. I have conducted thousands of tests as an examiner with exceptional results and satisfied clients.
This achievement was possible with good training and continuous support from Mr Coetzee when needed.
Matthew Dyball | SAPAVSA-107 | 082 786 2606 |
It is with great pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation with regards to services provided by SA Polygraph Academy, AVSAPRO Global.
Lodge Security have been using the SA Polygraph Academy since 2009 for software and training requirements and we have always been completely satisfied with their performance. I would like also to thank Mr. Luke Phelps for his passionate training session, continued support and patience with my team (even after hours).
I’m happy to recommend the service of SA Polygraph Academy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Lourens van Staden | SAPAVSA-148 | 082 907 7731 |
I have been fortunate to attend the AVSAPRO and BFP courses through Cliff Coetzee at the SA Polygraph Academy in Western Cape, South Africa. And I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor/instructor than Cliff Coetzee himself.
At first, I conducted the AVSAPRO course about 4 years ago. Being in the truth verification industry since 2005, I was surprised by the professionalism, knowledge and skill that Cliff and SA Polygraph academy conducted themselves with. No one is near them as far as I am concerned.
This AVSAPRO product is very user friendly and operative.
Since I am part of the SA Polygraph Academy team, I have received the best back up and support. SA Polygraph Academy is always available to assist, whether it is technical issues or just advise in general.
As a truth verification specialist, I am now capable to deliver an excellent service in a very competitive market with the support of the SA Polygraph Academy team.
If I had to rate them for product experience/knowledge, I would give them 10/10!
And if I had to rate them for level of service it is a big positive 10/10!